Oddateee (usa) & AbSTRAL compost (ch) + DUF (slo)
Tole bo ponovitev iz leta 2022, saj se je takrat vzpostavilo sodelovanje med Oddateeejem in Jako Bergerjem (DUF), del njunega skupnega dela bosta predstavila že ta večer. Sicer pa je omenjeni Američan, ki trenutno živi v Franciji že kar stalni gost Kluba Metulj, saj je prvič nastopil leta 2015 in med domačo publiko pustil frendovski pečat. Kot pred dvema letoma se tudi tokrat mudi na turneji skupaj s švicarskim raperjem, ki nastopa pod imenom Abstral Compost, tudi on je na odru pustil močan vtis in se odlično vklopil v lokalno klubsko štimungo. Pričakujemo udaren beat / hip hop večer, ki se bo tako kot prejšnjič nadaljeval v noč s selekcijo muzik s strani nastopajočih in hišnega selektorja.
Oddateee je na sceni že od zlate ere 90ih, v Bronxu rojeni raper in hip hop performer velja za veterana surovega in alter rapa. V zadnjem obdobju deluje predvsem na francoski sceni zbrani okoli domačim koncertnim obiskovalcem znanega kolektiva Le Peuple de l’Herbe. V več kot 20-letnem nastopanju pa je sodeloval z imeni kot so: Dr. Israel, Dälek, Isis, Cherry Valence, The Sofa Surfers, Mike Ladd, Mombu, Anti-Pop Consortium, Smut Peddlers.
Abstral Compost pa je v švici delujoči raper, ki na odru k stvari pristopa kot poet s surovo interakcijo med glasom, vsebino in zvočnimi efekti. Temačni industrialni ritmi in govorjena beseda so del njegovega aktualnega Ep-ja – Hazard Crumbs, ki ga je produciral Pascal Lopinat.
Jaka Berger – Dead Underground Future – DUF.
DUF obravnava razpad alternativnih prostorov, ki v svetu potrošništva izgubljajo svoj pomen, kar se odraža v vse manjšem zanimanju potrošnikov za alternativne misli.
“Naj se sliši še tako klišejsko, ampak #DUFSTYLE je dejansko precej svojstven izraz močnega avtorskega pečata, ki se spretno izogiba pastem žanrskih obrazcev in pričakovanj. Imperativ je tu jasen, ni ga mogoče spregledati: DUF pomeni neizprosno in neprestano kombiniranje udarcev, brez popuščanj, brez prostora za dihanje, brez prestanka. Boj je mogoče izgubljen, vendar ni zaman. Ni za nežne duše!”
Borja Močnik, Odzven
Hailed by Blow Up magazine as “one of the most dynamic live hip-hop performers we have seen in years,” Bronx, NYC born-and-raised Oddateee made his solo debut with “Steely Darkglasses” in 2002. He followed up with the albums Halfway Homeless in 2008 and 1973 in 2013. Since then, he’s been releasing load of EP’s, featurings with other rappers and bands (with italian rockband Mombu), and other side projects.
Oddateee’s musically journey started after hooking up with Komplx (R. Vega) in the nineties, a gifted producer from Union City, NJ., Oddateee became a founding member and ten year veteran of THE LABTEKS, a 30 member crew responsible for one of the most innovative hip hop albums you’ve probably never heard. Taking Komplx’s lead, and drawing influence from the rest of the crew, Oddateee grew more comfortable creating tracks that painted outside of the lines rather than rehashing the usual tried-and-true conventions.
Since the release of Steely Darkglasses in late 2001, Oddateee has collaborated in the studio and on stage with Dr. Israel, Dälek, Isis, Cherry Valence, The Sofa Surfers, Mike Ladd, Mombu, Anti-Pop Consortium, Smut Peddlers, Prince Paul, Le Peuple de l’Herbe, to name a few.
AbSTRAL compost innovates and transgresses codes. This rapper/poet spits his lyrics out to the world. A lively and rhythmic approach that plays with the discrepancy between meaning and sound. On stage, he raps alone, playing with effects on voice and music, sharing an intense and nuanced show. He captivates the listener with his complex phrasing, juggling with several languages according to the circumstances and situations.
Hazard Crumbs, his latest production released in 2020, is a seven track EP composed with drummer/producer Pascal Lopinat. Seven tracks that explore the various possible imbrications between the voice, mainly spoken, and the dark, industrial rhythms that characterise the album. The two artists reveal to us here, in the most sincere form possible, the peculiar attraction for strange rap and abstract poetry, a result tinged with love and crackling, an incantatory poetry, sometimes voluntarily hazardous, and experimental productions with sharp, surprising roughness.
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