SundayNoise: MESSY!: Ina Puntar/Erika Solo/Balint Bolcso/Henrik Olsson
MESSY! se je poimenovala tale zasedba, ki je še ena izmed številnih formacij nastalih na Improconu. V Klubu Metulj nastopijo kot zaključni koncert sicer več dnevnega oktobrskega srečanja večjega števila glasbenikov pod okriljem SundayNoise Residents, ki se začne 19.oktobra.
Ina Puntar – vocal
Erika Sollo – vocal
Balint Bolcso – electronics
Henrik Olsson – perc/electronics
The project Reclaim The Beats sets out to find new approaches to rhythm and tempo within the field of sonic free improvisation.
We had our first musical meeting at the Improcon Festival in Croatia in 2017 and in May this year we reunited for a music residency at Gerlesborgs Artschool on the westcoast of Sweden.
Our ambition to work with beats led us to a simple deconstruction of some hiphop influences which we then incorporated into our music. These fragments of sounds, beats, samples and lyrics became the source material in free improvisations. Doing things none of us had ever done before made us come up with something out of the ordinary. A somewhat twisted, hallucinating and truely alternative approach to both of the genres.
A new kind of improv, a new kind of hiphop.
And we called it Messy!