Koncert: Jegulja (Lj) & Uroš (Lj)
Iz podzemnih glasbenih nebes na oder ob vodi. Sveža neoporečna podtalnica nam tokrat prinaša muzike zasedb Jegulja in Uroš. Ubijalska kombinacija, ki tako hudičevo dobro sodi na naš oder, da je že bil čas, da ga tudi zasede.
Klubovci boste prepoznali zvok, saj ste odraščali z njim. Kozu je po izletu iz Carnaval sestavil Jeguljo oz. je Jegulja sestavila njega. Vse tiste linije, ki ste jih pogrešali, se vračajo na klubski oder v izjemni družbi.
A kdo je Uroš? na koncu zgodbe je to ” A band of an angry sort who don’t care for opportunistic, imperialistic and impersonal capitalist bastards. ”
gre pa takole:
“He lived beyond two mountains, three hills and one and a half valleys. Or was it four? (well, it surely depends on the viewpoint), over the groundwater and under the mountain where there are fields of great green stuff and a post office, where it is peaceful and ugly to die for. Well, that’s where the courageous and just enough intelligent goat Uroš lived. The kids fought and spat while the she-goats tirelessly bleated and sometimes even threw up. But Uroš still wasn’t happy. He was still unbelievably bored and longed for something more, something different, something exciting, something louder. And so one day his master D Omen noticed Uroš thinking and asked him: “Well, Uroš, what’s the matter? Why are you so down today? Why are you staring at the sky so sadly?” And Uroš replied: “Meke-ke-keke, sniff, …keke-fekeke-Meke, Mekeke-fuckeryfe-kickety-t
tole smo pa pred in po koncertih v zadnjem času toliko vrteli, da že znate na pamet: