EUlife – Citizens for Stronger Europe

EUlife – Citizens for Stronger Europe


30 oktobra, 2017



Naše društvo je imelo priložnost sodelovati v projektu “EUživljenje – Državljani za močnejšo Evropo,” ki je potekal v bližnjem hrvaškem mestecu Klanjec. Naši člani so sodelovali pri različnih aktivnostih in dogodkih in se sproti veliko naučili. Pojekt je nadgradil že tako bogate vsebine tradicionalnega dogodka “Zahvala jeseni 2017.” Obširne informacije o ativnostih najdete tukaj; spodaj pa krajše poročilo o projektu (v angleščini).

Participation: The project involved 307 citizens, notably 130 participants from the city of Klanjec (Croatia), 33 participants from the city of Wilamowice (Poland), 23 participants from Rajecke Teplice (Slovakia), 20 participants from the city of Dolny Benešov (Czech Republic), 28 participants from Novi Sad (Serbia), 51 participants from Občina Starše (Slovenia), 22 participants from Bistrica ob Sotli (Slovenia).

Location/ Dates: The event took place in Klanjec (Croatia), from 29/09/2017 to 01/10/2017

Short description:

The day of 29/09/2017 was dedicated to the arrival of participants, their gathering, accommodation and then project activities starting with presentation about timetable of activities. On Friday, workshop of making the website started. Group of younger participants were assigned to make the scheme of website with the help of computer technician. There was also seminar “How can local communities make to most out of EU membership – possibilities that EU offers” which gathered together representatives of local authorities that discussed their EU project experiences regarding what possibilites local communities have after joining EU and how to exploit them. Debate “What is Euroscepticism and its effects on EU life” served the purpose to shed light on understanding term of Euroscepticism and that participants share their view on life in EU. In the evening presentation and discussion “EU strategy 2020” was held and participants got acquainted with goals that EU has set to fulfil until 2020.

The day of 30/09/2017 was dedicated to debates “EU optimist – EU pessimist” and “Where do we stand on Euroscepticism”, workshop “EU Questionnaire” and continuation of workshop of making the website. Debates passed in relaxed atmosphere where participants exchanged their opinions on European Union. They showed that participants from Serbia which is still not EU member have more scepticism towards Union then those who are already part of EU. Young participants are mostly positive about EU, they expressed their satisfaction with being part of EU because they feel benefits in mobility – educational, touristic, social. Croatians expressed their positive opinion towards EU but also payed attention to happening in whole Europe and world in general – negative happenings influence the increase of euroscepticism and Serbians and also Slovenians agreed.

EU pessimist stated concern about Brexit and migration crisis. “EU Questionnaire” was conducted in two parts by young participants and moderators from Klanjec youth civil association. Participants formed the questions (basic about understanding of EU and euroscepticism) and tried to answer to them.

In the evening “Intercultural hang out” took place on the main square – participants represented themselves to wider public with their dance and music performances, but also “Intercultural cooking show” was organized – one representative of each project partner have participated. They showed differences in gastronomy across Europe.

The day of 01/10/2017 was dedicated to debates “Active EU citizen – Future of EU” and “Active EU citizen – our opinions and suggestions for better EUlife”, seminar “Positive experiences of Programme Europe for Citizens”, finishing workshop of making the website and departure of participants in the evening.

Website “EUlife” has been set online with informations about project and partners, while during debates participants expressed their opinions and concern about future of Europe. Brexit was mentioned, participants didn’t know how to feel toward it. They had different views but in one they agreed – consistent policies are needed, mutual understanding and solidarity amongst citizens of EU is highly important. Also they had talk about positive experiences of Europe for Citizens Programme which allowed ordinary people to connect outside of their borders, to exchange and get to know their differences but overall to spread mutual respect and acceptance.


The project “EUlife – Citizens for Stronger Europe” was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme “Europe for Citizens.”


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